I got to see my baby sister yesterday. She is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. When we got to Trinidad we checked out her dorm room, met quite a few of her friends, then I stuck around at the laundromat while all of her laundry was being washed and dried. Man am I an awesome sister!
Unfortunately, Morgan is injured so I didn't get to see her in action at the volleyball game last night. I miss watching her play, because she's a badass. I wish I had gotten at least half of the athletic genes that she possesses. After the game we went out to dinner and just hung out for a little bit.
Today we had breakfast and Morgan showed us around town. We got to go up this mountain-ish thing to the Trinidad sign. It was amazing.

Unfortunately after that adventure it was time for my parents and me to leave. I'm really glad Morgan is loving the college life so much, but I sure do miss having her here.
In other news, I got to do hair and makeup for a photo shoot tonight, and I'm doing another one on Wednesday. I've decided that is the kind of stuff I really love to do, because I can use all of my creativity instead of just copying a picture that someone brings in. I love it when hair is an art form. Hopefully I'll have some pictures up soon.
I hope you all had a weekend as great as mine was!