Today I heard that Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift are dating. The first thought that came to mind...gross.
Jake is a talented actor, smart, and creative. What is he doing with someone who possesses little to no talent?
Take for instance that stupid Love Story song or whatever it's called. Anyone with half a brain knows that Romeo and Juliet both died and The Scarlet Letter was about a whore.
Taylor's records have auto-tune written all over them. If you've ever heard her sing live, you know that it takes a lot of work to actually make her voice sound good. Her songs all sound the same. I will give her credit for being a talented guitarist, but she should really be playing guitar for someone who can actually sing.
The fact that she dated a Jonas brother should be enough reason to not be able to take her seriously.
It's entirely possible that I'm being a little harsh, but I really can't stand her and I don't think it's fair that there are so many talented musicians trying to make it, and she's become ridiculously famous solely because teenage boys think she's hot.
So once again, Jake...Gross.